A Migrants Tale

A Migrant’s Tale is a collection of narrative explorations of home and nostalgia, told through the language of food. The body of work represents a collaborative reworking process of the migrant’s tale, which explores the relationship of the narrator and the interpreter, and the use of photography in creating a visual retelling of the migrants story. All tales are visually translated with consideration and transcribed from the migrant’s own words.

The work challenges the concept of home being created through multiple grounding’s of fixed geographical points by exploring the notion of home as an amalgamation of rituals performed through routine practices of the every day; practices through which one is able to perform a cognitive migration, travelling to and from an internal home carried within. In the context of our current border crisis the word migrant has been misshapen and recontextualised far beyond its original starting point.

Through this exploratory research I aim to reclaim the word, moving the idea home far from its physical geographical location. Proposing home to be a place that stretches far beyond borders, home is place that we carry within, a cognitive home that we are all migrating to and from on a daily basis.

All migrants in the search of a better place to call home.